Sunday 26 May 2019

Weekly Newsletter May 20 - 31, 2019

Grade 4
Weekly Newsletter
May 20 - May 31, 2019

Language Arts 
In Language Arts this next fortnight, students will continue to research and compare historical fiction texts, consolidating their knowledge on common themes and symbols seen throughout. We will finish our study on our mentor text, Number the Stars, noticing changes in the characters, setting and theme as the story concludes. We will complete our study of historical fiction book clubs, comparing universal themes and ideas across texts. We continue to refine our writing skills in our Literary Essays, through both peer and teacher conferencing, taking feedback from earlier drafts to refine our work.

In math we continue our geometry unit and initially will focus on quadrilaterals- looking at the criteria for a quadrilateral. Later, we will also be drawing and identifying shapes based on their angles. We will be sorting shapes based on angles and will be learning how to use a protractor (angle measure) to more accurately measure and classify angles into acute, right, obtuse and reflex angles.

Social Studies
This week we will be finishing up our lessons to help students understand the targeted vocabulary for the unit and we will begin our Trade and Resource Simulation! This will be an exciting 2 week project where students will work in collaborative groups role playing what factors go into global trade and economies.  The beginning of our project will first focus on learning about an assigned country and its geographical and economic information.

May 10th - June 14th: Car riders pick up will now be in the gym
Mon, May 20th:  NO SCHOOL - ISKL Holiday in lieu of Wesak Day
Tues, May 21st:  NO SCHOOL - ISKL Faculty In-Service
Wed, May 22nd:  NO SCHOOL - Nuzul Al Quran
June 3rd: 4th Grade Writing Share - Parents invited from 1:45- 2:30.

Reinforce our Geometry unit in math with the power of song on Numberock. Music makes memories...give it a try...with Closed Caption for the added benefit of visual text support.

Quizlet is a digital studying tool. Open the link below to access digital flashcards that include the vocabulary words covered in our Geometry unit.

Again to reinforce our ongoing Geometry unit take a look at the link below. Some teachers use Math Learning Center as a digital math manipulative that helps build a concrete understanding of new concepts. The link is directly connected to the websites applications or apps page. Open the geoboard app and the math vocabulary cards (select geometry) and allow your children to explore and practice new skills.

A few of our historical fictions texts can be found on a website site that all readers can access and enjoy. Take a look at the Storyline Online, a website that has videos of actors reading books aloud while showing illustrations from the story.

Sunday 12 May 2019

Weekly Newsletter May 13 -17, 2019

Grade 4
Weekly Newsletter
May 13 - May 17, 2019

Language Arts 
In our historical fiction unit, we will continue to read and study our Book club texts, examining how character’s perspective is shaped by the times and by his or her role. Students will also continue examine the main themes and ideas of their historical fiction texts. We continue to dissect our mentor text, Number the Stars, noting character and setting changes as well as important events.
Students continue to plan, draft and edit their own literary essays, writing purposefully to angle their stories to highlight the way it supports and connects to their thesis, while also focusing on adding quotes and other evidence from texts.

This week we start our Geometry unit, in this unit, students draw points, lines, line segments, rays, angles (right, acute, obtuse), and perpendicular and parallel lines. They identify and classify angles, distinguish between parallel and perpendicular lines, and recognize a right triangle as a category for classification. Fourth graders identify differences and similarities among two dimensional figures based on the absence or presence of characteristics such as parallel or perpendicular lines and angles of a specified size. This first week we focus on points, lines, rays and line segments and which symbols to use to represent and label these geometric features.

Social Studies
This week students will continue learning about vocabulary such as goods, products, consumers and producers, but through a real products.  Students will read a variety of “How to Make” books on Big Universe and assign vocabulary to the different stages and materials used. We will also introduce the concept of trade through the lens of needs and wants, availability and scarcity.


  • May 10th - June 14th: Car riders pick up will now be in the gym 
  • Tues, May 14th: ES Spring Music Concert, 5:30-7:00, Melawati Theater 
  • Wed, May 15th: Instrument selection is due
  • Mon, May 20th:  NO SCHOOL - ISKL Holiday in lieu of Wesak Day 
  • Tues, May 21st:  NO SCHOOL - ISKL Faculty In-Service
  • Wed, May 22nd:  NO SCHOOL - Nuzul Al Quran

If you would like to get a jump start on our next math unit in Geometry take a look at the link below. Some teachers use Math Learning Center as a digital math manipulate that helps build a concrete understanding of new concepts. The link is directly connected to the websites applications or apps page. Open the geoboard app and the math vocabulary cards (select geometry) and allow your children to explore and practice new skills.

A few of our historical fictions texts can be found on a website site that all readers can access and enjoy. Take a look at the Storyline Online, a website that has videos of actors reading books aloud while showing illustrations from the story. 

Sunday 5 May 2019

Weekly Newsletter May 6 - 10, 2019

Grade 4
Weekly Newsletter
May 6 - May 10, 2019

Language Arts 
In our Reading unit, students will continue to explore their Historical Fiction Book Clubs.  Students will work on unpacking components of historical fiction, making inferences, revisiting tools and self assessing in order to lift their book club conversations.
While continuing to read the mentor text, Number the Stars, students will be encouraged to think deeply about passages in the text, finding big ideas in small details and symbolism. Students will also determine themes, developing deeper ideas through conversation with other readers who can contribute to build a richer, more powerful interpretation.
In our Literary Essay unit, students will begin to plan and draft their essays, as well as learn how to use direct quotes to support their claims about text. They will also use lists as evidence to support their claims.

This week students will compare mixed fractions and decimals. We will be learning ways to convert fractions and decimals into either form making it easier to compare or order.  Students will also begin adding decimals. This will be done numerically and through models.

Social Studies
This week students will be reflecting on their google map of natural resources and start investigating vocabulary like: Needs and Wants, Consumers and Producers etc.  This quizlet is a good resource for kids to practice learning the new vocabulary tied to the unit.


  • Friday,  May 10th: Free Dress Day, suggested donation 5RM
  • Tuesday,  May 14th: ES Spring Music Concert, 5:30-7:00, Melawati Theater 
  • ES Dress Up Days: Plan your days in advance click HERE for dates and details. 

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